Police Stop ‘Weapon Demo’Organisers

The Ghana Police Service (GPS) has served notice to organisers of an intended demonstration on 4 June that it will not allow them to carry weapons on the street as part of their plans.
According to the police, the group wants to demonstrate for three days with its own private security. Members of the group include broadcasters Captain Smart and OkatakyieAfrifa and the #FixTheCountry Movement lead convener, Oliver Barker-Vormawor.
“The procession will move from Circle to the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, where the protestors will make a demand [for] a slot on GTV to speak directly to the nation and lay out our grievances, in accordance with Article 55(11), which guarantees fair opportunity to Ghanaians to present their programmes to the public, through equal access to the state-owned media,” the group said in a statement.
But in response, the police said: “We would like to assure the public that the police service is ready and willing to provide the necessary protection for any lawful demonstration in the country.
“However, in this case, the service is of the view that the nature and character of the demonstration as intended, is inconsistent with the public order act.”
It added: “The service has reached out to the organisers to reconsider their proposal and work with the police towards the organisation of a lawful, peaceful and successful demonstration.
“We wish to assure the public that in the interest of public safety and security, the police are putting in place all necessary measures to ensure that unauthorised persons do not march the streets with weapons.”