Accra: Residents of Manhean cry for police post

Residents at Manhean in the Ga West Municipality of the Greater Accra Region are calling for the establishment of a police post following rising spate of robberies in the area.
Residents in the area believe that the establishment of police posts will help reduce the attacks on people and ensure their safety.
They also observed that the lack of police post has led to an increased in crime in the area.
Nii Alottey Kàntse, the youth leader for the Okada Riders, told GHOneTV that a police post will facilitate rapid responses to incidence of crime.
He added that a police post will improve security and protection of lives and properties.
The Youth Leader bemoaned that, when riders in the communities are patronized, sometimes, they end up being attacked.
Sometimes their motorbikes are taken away from them.
“In order to maintain sanity in this community, we want to appeal to the authorities to help us establish a police post here. This will put people on their toes and to crack down ill behaviors among the youth,” he said.
Some of the residents also told GHOne News that they go as far as Anyaa and Amasaman District to report issues of crime adding the situation allows culprits to go unpunished.
“The Police issue is affecting us because sometimes when crimes happen you have to go to Anyaa or Amasaman to lodge a complaint, it’s far and by the time you get back the criminals might have completed their operations and left,” Godwin Agyemang, a driver narrated.
A victim who narrated how she had suffered attacks from some unscrupulous persons disclosed that thieves and ‘wee smokers’ are always breaking people’s doors, stealing money and other valuable items.
A resident also stated that brandishing of weapons is common in the area.
“I have been in this community for five years and the younger ones only brandish weapons to support themselves in any situations at hand and that is not very good” she added.