Unbridled Politicking Messing Us Up in the Eye of International Community

The Anchor expresses its gratitude for those that deemed it appropriate and necessary so, to immortalize the country’s late President John Evans Atta-Mills and did actualize this on Sunday, the 24th of July, 2022 at Asomdwee Park, near the Osu Castle in Accra, Ghana, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his sudden demise, that saddened the heart of Ghanaians of all walks of life, as it did the international community. It was a loss too dire.
But the Sunday’s honour is an honour placed in its place, and worth commending. Indeed, it is said and same believed, that a nation that doesn’t honour its heroes, worth not dying for. Professor John Evans Atta-Mills deserved more than that.
This paper also gives kudos to the organizing committee which put in, its all, and got out the best, watched crisscrossed both the bird-view and ant-view. It was an elaborate ceremony of solemnity. We give them Ayekoo!
However, while we doff hats for mooters and executioners of the wondrous deed by our wonderful compatriots-of-purpose, we would cease to be truthful social commentators, should we hold back our tongue and fail to point out what we deem grey areas often threatening to bring our, otherwise, enjoyable democracy of camaraderie, into disrepute: The endless emotions.
Our chosen line of politicking here flaunted with overindulgent emotions seems to be stripping us bare, starkly naked, in the eye of the international community, and heaved us against the wall, Sunday, when the most significant communication, but very elementary, needed to inform posterity and foreign tourists wishing to know, at firsthand,for which illustrious Ghanaian great a bust was made, rather missing, mysteriously; the honoree’s name.
It is said, and The Anchor endorses the fact, that the bust was the perfect replica, a masterpiece of sort, of arguably, Ghana’s most affable-ever – if not all infallible – academic, teacher, lawyer, economist, politician, leader and man of peace; only one who – may his gentle soul continue to rest – died in office as a president, His Excellency Professor John Evans Atta-Mills.
The Anchor sees the missing of the most vital information as the name “John Atta-Mills” on his celebrated tombstone done with ‘granite’ on its public declaration and proclamation, of his virtues and principles as a man of many bits of great brain, could be a mistake, then that could be a very expensive gaffe, to say the least. We shudder not to describe it as demeaning of morale, but mulling over it feels intellectually-humiliating.
The unnecessary political and marketplace squabbles, innuendoes, vilifications as well as open-airwaves quarrels culminating into the inauguration of the ‘good-man’s’ place of peace, to many, sounds bizarre.
Professor Atta-Mills himself, we feel, could be turning in his grave over verbal desecration of his quiet-place and use of his name as a bait of a golden fleece’s tag-of-war, by the very people he loved, mentored, fathered and led, against his nuclear family, so dear to his heart; without which, the paper believes, concentration on cause and effect, matter and substance, could have alerted commissioners of tombstone designers to accomplish a good job, by not, either forgetting or flatly refusing to just engrave, thus: “THIS ‘TOMBSTONE’ OF THE LATE PRESIDENT OF GHANA (even ‘republic of’ is unnecessary) HIS EXCELLENCY PROFESSOR JOHN EVANS FIIFI ATTA-MILLS, WAS UNVEILED BY HIS EXCELLENCY NANA ADDO-DANKWA AKUFO-ADDO – PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC OF GHANA; ASSISTED BY SAMUEL KOKU SITSOFE ANYIDOHO – FOUNDER AND CEO OF ATTA-MILLS INSTITUTE, ON SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2022 AD (Anno Domini), AT ASOMDWEE PARK, OSU ACCRA, GHANA, then heyPresto!
Source: Anchorghana