Jospong Group Begins 2022 Thanksgiving Service

The Jospong Group of Companies (JGC), with Zoomlion Ghana Limited (ZGL), a wholly-owned Ghanaian conglomerate, has begun its thanksgiving service to honour God.
The yearly celebration by the company is to commemorate the awesomeness of God throughout the year, in spite of challenges along the way.
Under the theme “Celebrating The Goodness of The Lord,” the five-day event, which will end on Friday, December 9, kicked-off yesterday at the Adjirigarnor headquarters of Zoomlion in Accra, and it is being replicated at the regional offices of the company across the country.
Addressing a gathering of staff members and other guests, the Executive Chairman, Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, reiterated that the essence of the annual event is to give glory and thanks to Almighty God for His goodness in sustaining the Jospong Group.
According to him, the Lord Almighty deserved loads of praises for the protection of lives and properties.
Lamenting the number of lives lost to road carnages, floods and fire outbreaks and yet they have been sustained, he underpinned the need for them to be thankful to the Lord.
Dr. Siaw Agyepong was equally elated that God has granted journey mercies to staff members of his group, as well as himself and family.
With a joyful heart, he led the gathering to sing sweet melodies to praise God, stressing that the “Lord deserves more for His mercies on us.”
Delivering a sermon on the opening day, the Area Head of the Church of Pentecost, Teshie-Nungua, Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyemang, espoused situations that should warrant thanksgiving to God.
According to him, when God delivers one from a severe situation, that person must offer thanks to Him.
However, he pointed out that thanksgiving should not only be done in good times, but in all situations – good and bad.
Quoting from the book of which says “Oh see that the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever,” he intimated that one ought to give thanks when he/she is healed from an acute illness.
“You thank God when you have been delivered from financial hardships; you need to offer God thanks,” he stressed.
Apostle Nkrumah Agyemang urged the gathering to also remember the goodness of God when a new door of opportunity opens.
He said one should be grateful and offer thanksgiving when God opens their eyes to new frontiers and enables them to take advantage of them.
“We should learn to propagate the goodness of God to repose hope in another,” he advised.
He recounted the story of a man who fell ill and was discharged following a few days of hospitalisation.
According to the man of God, this man broke down into uncontrollable tears upon spotting his bills.
He narrated that the healed sick man’s bill was eventually paid by his children, yet this man never stopped the tears and when asked, he said “for this short period I came to lie yet for all what God has been doing for me, I have held His praise.”
He used the analogy to emphasise the need for human beings to be thankful to God.
Source: Anchorghana