Ghanaian Chief In America Shoots Wife, Kills Himself

…After Partner Allegedly Threatens Divorce
A heartbreaking news of a Ghanaian man, identified as Michael Kwabena Amoako, aged 49, shooting his wife and killing himself, has sent shivers down the spines of many Ghanaians both home and abroad.
The incident, which is now being investigated by the Columbus Police Homicide Unit, The Anchor has gathered, occurred on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 in faraway Columbus, Ohio in the United States of America (USA), where the couple were domiciled.
Multiple reports have it that, Amoako, said to be the Sumankwahene of the Asanteman Association in the Columbus, committed the act following threat by his wife to divorce him and marry her ex-boyfriend back home in Ghana, by name, Emmanuel Duah.
According to media reports and a video by Kofi TV monitored by this paper, the deceased man, a former footballer, was involved in a murder-suicide mission, but failed on his quest to kill his wife, Harriet Yaa Gyamfua Aboagye, before killing himself.
He had shot Yaa Gyamfua, aged 50, thinking she was dead and then went ahead to take his own life.
But fortunately for the wife, she did not die, but suffered multiple gunshots wounds and currently in a critical condition at the Riverside Methodist Hospital.
Before the incident, the now deceased person had given hints of what was imminent by way of an audio recording to certain individuals, but it appears those who could have saved the situation did not act as fast as they should to avert it.
According to Kofi Adomah of Kofi TV fame, “A lot of the report is based on the audio the man sent to his family, in which he was basically issuing his will before the incident.
Unfortunately, those who received the audio did not listen to it early, so by the time they realized what had happened. It was already too late.
If you go to Columbus, the man is reported to be the Sumakwahene of the Asanteman Association. He used to be a goalkeeper, popularly known as Chessy, but his real name is Amoako.”
Amoako was allegedly married to Yaa Gyamfua and lived in the States for years, after he won the American Visa Lottery.
He initially lived in New York before working to bring his wife to join him from Ghana after their marriage. The couple later moved to their current location in Columbus, Ohio.
Report indicates that, the couple, with their three sons, were living happily until the mother of Yaa Gyamfua, who was living with them, got sick and had to be brought back home to Ghana. Her mother unfortunately passed away when they came back to Ghana.
Gyamfua, who traveled with the mother to Ghana, upon her arrival, rekindled her relationship with her former boyfriend, Emmanuel Duah.
Interestingly, when she returned to America, she informed Amoako, of what had happened when she came home to Ghana and that they had started marriage process. This obviously didnot go down well with Amoako.
According to one Michael Montgomery the couple’s next-door neighbor, they had always been pleasant and they had never witnessed any problems between them until this particular one. He described the latest news of them as “as very shocking.”
Mr. Montgomery recalled how he learned about the gunfire when the couple’s three young sons knocked on his door, to ask for assistance.
“The 16-year-old said they{parents}were arguing, they heard two bangs, ran out the door and came over here,” the neighbor was quoted by Fox 28 as saying. They heard the shooting and dad wouldn’t let them back in the house p, so they came knocking on the door,” he added.
The late Sumankwahene of the Asanteman Association and his wife were described as very involving with the Ghanaian community in Columbus. In recent past, similar incidents have been recorded in Ghana. Last month alone, there wasa report of a man who killed his wife at Nungua, who had threatened to divorce him over domestic violence.
There was also the case of Inspector Twumasi at Kumasi Adom, who shot his girlfriend, Maadwoa, who also allegedly threatened to leave him for another man.
A couple of such cases are dotted around the country with many calling on authorities to take mental health seriously.