Third Eyecare & Vision Centre Screens Children

Third Eyecare and Vision Centre, an eye service centre, located at Airport and Ridge in Accra, has organized an eye screening program for children.
The exercise, dubbed “Kiddie Eyecare Day,” aims to screen children with vision problems and provide corrective measures, such as glasses, where necessary.
The exercise, which started on Monday, August 28 and expected to end on Friday, September 1, 2013, is designed to identify vision problems in children at an early stage and provide early intervention to prevent further deterioration of their vision.
The five-day event, which is opened to all children, attracted scores of kids who attended the free eyes screening exercise with their parents.
The exercise is being conducted by qualified optometrists who have experience in conducting pediatric eye screening.
The optometrists used specialized equipment to evaluate the children’s vision and detect any abnormalities.
They also provide advice and recommendations to parents on how to prevent vision problems in their children.
Third Eyecare and Vision Centre believes that early intervention is key to preventing vision problems in children and help them achieve their full potential.
According to management, the centre is committed to raising awareness about the importance of regular eye screening for children and ensuring that they all have access to vision care.
They indicated that, the program is free of charge, and parents are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to get their children screened for vision problems.
“By identifying vision problems early, children can receive the necessary intervention to prevent blindness and other vision problems,” the centre stated.
The optometrist with the Third Eyecare and Vision Centre, Dr. Ignatius Safee Boafo, on his part, said a disorder, known as “refractive error,” makes it difficult for the eyes to focus images clearly, and vision can become blurred and impaired.
Dr. Safee Boafo indicated that the number of children diagnosed with the refractive error of the eyes, as well as the number of children who are found through eyes screening, has been rising at an alarming rate in recent years.
He said his outfit, since last year, has screened about 1,000 children and discovered that nearly 90 percent of those children have problems seeing objects clearly.
Dr. Safee Boafo stressed that the refractive error is a hereditary disease passed on to a child from their parents.
He noted that, at least 200 parents on a daily basis turn up at the offices of the Third Eyecare and Vision Centre, located at Airport and Ridge, in Accra, to have their children eyes checked.
So far, nearly 500 glasses have been distributed to affected children to enable them to correct their sights.