Adamus Resources Unmasks Allan Morrison

…Emails, Evidence of Bank Transactions Others Out

Allan Morrison, an Australian expatriate known locally as “Kiwi,” has been identified as the mastermind behind recent media attacks on Nguvu Mining and its Chief Executive Officer [CEO] Angela List.

Mr Morrison, an employee of Adamus Resources Limited, has been accused of orchestrating these attacks from abroad after fleeing Ghana.

Allan Morrison, who arrived in Ghana in the 1990s, currently works as an estimator, focusing on civil and earthworks tenders for BCM Ghana Ltd.

He was appointed director and secretary of Adamus Australia during its acquisition from Endeavour Mining in 2017, a deal spearheaded by Ms Angela List.

Despite his previous position under Ms List, Mr Morrison, is now reportedly attempting to oust her from her role on the Board of Directors, as well as CEO.

Mr Morrison’s actions, which included triggering legal proceedings and media campaigns against Ms List, have drawn comparisons to a caretaker challenging the ownership of a landlord’s property.

Despite initiating these actions, Mr Morrison, has left Ghana and is yet to return to pursue his case in person.


Adamus Ghana, a mining entity in Ghana, was acquired from Endeavour Mining through Ms List’s efforts in 2017.

Endeavour, had previously acquired the mine from Adamus Resources PTY (Adamus Australia) in 2012 through a merger.

Despite this merger, Adamus Australia, continued to exist as a shell company without any interests.

Records from the Minerals Commission, confirm that Endeavour Mining held 90percent of Adamus Ghana’s shares from 2012.

However, Mr Morrison and his alleged backer, Paul List, dispute this sale, claiming it never occurred and attempting to leverage this assertion to create turmoil.

Official records, show that Adamus Australia ceased being a shareholder in 2012.

By the time Adamus Ghana was purchased in 2017, Ms List, had already decided to wind up Adamus Australia, which no longer served any purpose.

This reorganization process began in 2018.

Morrison’s Appointment

Following the purchase agreement, Ms Angela List, appointed Allan Morrison as director and secretary of Adamus Ghana, anticipating a swift reorganization process.

Emails reveal Mr Morrison’s reluctance to accept the role and his desire to expedite the company’s wind-up.

Australian corporate law, requires directors to be registered residents of Australia, a criterion Mr Morrison met.

He was responsible for handling Ms Angela List’s mail in Australia, but allegedly diverted much of it to his residence.

The reorganization process, however, was delayed and is attributable to Mr Morrison’s apparent lack of corporate governance knowledge.

In 2021, Ms Angela List, appointed two additional directors to help resolve ongoing issues, a move that prompted Mr Morrison to rebel.

He sought a court order to nullify these appointments, allegedly acting under the influence of Paul List, believed to be funding the harassment of Ms List.

Evidence of bank transactions, suggest that Mr Morrison is allegedly on Mr Paul List’s payroll.

Those familiar with the situation, assert that Mr Morrison is fully aware of who acquired Adamus Ghana and who appointed him as a director.

Despite this, he chose to betray Ms Angela List.

Nguvu Holdings, controlled by Ms Angela List, fully owns the company, where Mr Morrison serves as director.

Observers, argue that Mr Morrison, should return to Ghana to fight his case in court, if he truly believes in his claims.

The unfolding drama, highlights the complex interplay of corporate governance, legal battles, and personal vendettas within the mining sector in Ghana.

More To Come…


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