Unfair Dismissal, Victimization Hit BCM

Workers at BCM Ghana Limited, a global civil earthworks and surface mining contractor, are experiencing an uneasy calm, following allegations of victimization and harassment among staff, suspected of leaking information to external sources.

The latest victim of this crackdown is Ms. Doreen, a long-serving employee, whose contract was abruptly terminated under mysterious circumstances.

Ms. Doreen, who had spent nearly eight years with BCM as a Human Resources (HR) officer, was dismissed, after she allegedly sought scholarship assistance from the company.

Her termination came through a phone call from the company’s security personnel one Wednesday evening, informing her that “instructions from above” dictated she was no longer allowed entry to the company premises, because she is deemed as security threat.

The sudden dismissal, executed without any stated reason, compensation, or a fair hearing, has shocked her colleagues and created a tense atmosphere among the workforce.

Sources say, more than ten people, have so far been dismissed in a similar fashion without any compensations, including the former head of Human Resources, the PRO, among others.

Ms. Doreen’s dismissal, has raised questions about the company’s treatment of its employees and its internal management practices.

In an email addressed to CEO, Paul List and copied to other management staff, Ms. Doreen, questioned the rationale behind her termination without a proper hearing.

She emphasized that, her only request had been for scholarship assistance to pursue a Master’s degree abroad, which she believes led to her dismissal.

“What at all did I do wrong to Mr. List or anyone to be treated this way?

Was it so bad to seek the company’s support for schooling when I wasn’t asking for money?” she lamented in her email.

“Or what is wrong not to give in to these guys’ pleasures?”

Ms. Doreen, argued that if the management believed she was leaking information, she should have been invited to face a disciplinary board and presented with evidence.

Instead, she was terminated without an opportunity to be heard.

“I had worked for BCM for the past eight years, and line managers duly know how I have been productive and professional in my duties.

My contract was terminated in March 2024, on the basis that I humbly pleaded for the company’s scholarship or assistance with relevant documents for my student visa application at the embassy,” she wrote.

She further expressed her belief that, employee empowerment and educational development, should be priority for BCM management, rather than grounds for victimization.

Ms. Doreen, questioned what sensitive information she could possibly hold as a non-management staff member that would warrant such severe measures.

Colleagues, have accused Evans, the new HR manager, of assuming an authoritarian role and intimidating employees who are not in his favour.

“The victimization some of us are experiencing at BCM, is too much and so unfair.

This could make the company lose great employees, who can help move the company forward,” Ms. Doreen stated.

She also raised concerns about the personal benefits and issues influencing termination decisions, hinting at inappropriate advances from certain managers, which she claims she did not reciprocate.

Ms. Doreen’s responsibilities, included handling the company’s certifications and documentations with the Minerals Commission, a role she had fulfilled since joining BCM in 2017/2018.

Her abrupt dismissal, has left her and her colleagues, questioning the fairness of BCM’s management practices.



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