Policemen Accused of Extortion Interdicted

…After ‘Looting’ Money From Suspect’s MOMO Wallet

The Police Service, has interdicted two of its officers, suspected to be part of the Police Visibility Unit, over allegations of extortion from a motor pillion rider in Accra.

The two, Lance Corporal Philimon Agbevem and Lance Corporal Peter Gbadagbo, are assisting in investigation.

The incident, which purportedly took place on July 22, 2024. near the Jubilee House, had gained widespread attention after the victim, Ametor Doe Emmanuel, a motor pillion rider, granted an interview to the media.

The Anchor, also gave it mileage by publishing the incident on its front page with the call on the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, to take action on the allegation.

In a bid to sanitize its roll from such dubious characters, the police preliminary investigation into the matter on August 9, 2024, led to the officers being interdicted.

The two officers, are said to be currently cooperating with the investigation and will be subjected to the due process of law, according to a brief statement by the police.

The Incident

In the video sighted by this paper, Emmanuel narrated his ordeal with the two officers, after they extorted the money on him and transferred cash from his Mobile Money wallet.

According to the victim, this was after the officers arrested him around Kanda, near Jubilee House and marched him to an isolated location in handcuff and forcibly ordered him to provide his MOMO password, after which they withdrew the money and fled.

The victim said, even though he reported the matter to the Cantonments police and provided relevant details, including registration number of motorbike used by the officers and MoMo transaction, the officers handling the case, appeared reluctant to expose their colleagues.

Emmanuel, who is utterly disappointed in the police, pleaded with Dr Akuffo Dampare, to intervene and ensure he gets the justice he deserves.

Speaking in a viral video monitored by The Anchor, Emmanuel, said he boarded a commercial motorbike, popularly called ‘Okada’ from the business district of Accra home, when the incident happened.

He said, while on their way and got to the frontage of the Jubilee House, they were stopped by these officers, who had the new police motorbikes with registration number GP8145.

Emmanuel, said in his attempt to get down from the bike, the rider absconded, leaving him behind. There, the officers suddenly said they have arrested them, in his quest to demand his crime, he was allegedly slapped by the officers.

He said, they then handcuffed him and told informed in that they are taking him to their office, but this never happened.

Rather, he was sent to a certain location, where they allegedly subjected him to severe beatings and forcibly collected a cash amount of GH₵1,200.

MOMO Withdrawal

He added that, the officers also demanded that he provides his mobile money code, where the officers, also allegedly withdrew over GH₵3,000 from his MOMO wallet.

“I hired okada (motorbike) from Accra, but on our way, we were stopped by some two police officers, who were using new motorbike in front of the Flagstaff House.

After stopping, they said they have arrested us, so as I got down from the bike, the rider was able to abscond. He was chased, but they were unsuccessful, so I was arrested. I was informed I was being taken to the office, so I asked…I was sitting behind the bike, so how do you arrest me?

In the exchanges, I was slapped by one, after which they handcuffed me. On our way to the office, they diverted and sent me under a tree, there I was beaten and they used shocker on me. They said, if I don’t speak the truth, they will kill me. They had searched me and took the GH₵1,200, I had on me,” he alleged in a video shared by a social media user with account name Nana Yaw Sefah.

According to him, “They then demanded for my mobile money code or they will kill me so, I gave them and they withdrew GH₵3,700 in my wallet. After transferring the money, one of the officers asked that they should shoot me, but I spoke Ewe with the one with the gun, who is Ewe, so he rescinded”.

Emmanuel claimed, he was abandoned in a bush after the beatings and they removed the handcuff.

Police Reluctance

After he had his freedom, Emmanuel said, he rushed to the Adentan police station to lodge a complaint, but he was directed to go to the Cantonments Police station, where he had his case recorded.

After going through his phone and receipt of the mobile money transfer, Emmanuel, said he was informed the name of the officer who withdrew his money matches with the name on the receipt, but when he requested to see this said officer, the police refused.

He said all attempts to get these officers arrested and put before the law, have proven futile, hence his decision to speak out in the media, so the IGP can hear him and act on it swiftly.

He further said, “They then abandoned me in an unknown bush, so they removed the handcuff and left me. After I found my way home, I went to the Adenta Police Station, but I was directed to go to Cantonments. But over there, they said they have checked the receipt on my phone and noticed the name matched with an officer there at the station.

I demanded that they make me see the face of the said officer to identify him, but they asked me to be patient. It has been three weeks, but the woman keeps telling me to exercise patience. I still have the message and I have their motor number”, he said and gave out the registration number of the motor.

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