Public Support Swells for Ailing Chief  For Rejecting ‘Galamsey’ Cash

By; Gifty Arthur

There is growing call on the general public, to support the chief of Jema, a farming community in the Aowin district in the Western North Region, who reportedly rejected money from illegal miners, despite his deteriorating health condition.

Nana Enoko Annor, is one of the chiefs in the country standing vehemently against all forms of illegal mining popularly known as galamsey.

Despite his ill health, Nana, confirmed in an interview how he rejected over a million Ghana Cedis and a vehicle to allow for mining in his community.

This was after he was purportedly approached by worthy illegal miners to accept the said amount to enable him seek medical help in South Africa.

However, he rejected the money, putting the interest of his people first ahead of his failing health, as he is confined and unable to go about his normal duties.

Narrating his predicament, Nana Enoko Annor said, “When I woke up, they brought me money to lease the land to them. The first amount was GH₵250, 000, I have not seen that kind of money before. The moneys they brought it was more than GH₵350, 000.

They placed it on my table in this room and I said I won’t take it. When I rejected, they said they will add a vehicle (which they parked in front of my house) to the money and I still told them I don’t need it, because I don’t want to have my land destroyed in future”.

“All my grandchildren are here, if they destroy the land what will they survive on?  So, I didn’t mind them. Then next time they came with over GH₵700, 000, I dumped it in the chair and I told them I don’t need their money. They said they will send me to South African and so many things. I have sworn not to do galamsey, so I did not accept their money”, the chief recalled on his sick bed.

Located around communities that have been devastated by illegal mining, Jema, withstand the temptation to lease their lands for mining operations, leaving farmlands and water bodies in the area unpolluted.

A Catholic priest, who is also a native of Jema, Revered Fr. Joseph Kwame Blay, who is leading the community and the youth to stand against the menace, says the chief and the community, need assistance.

The researcher and community mobilizer, believes the exemplary leadership of the traditional ruler, who has been incapacitated for years, needs assistance to seek for medical help and also encourage others to emulate his shining example.

The man of God, said such personalities, need to be rewarded by the society and also government, while it works to punish those who perpetuate the menace to destroy the environment.

In an interview on the ‘Point of View’ programme on Channel One television, hosted by Bernard Avle, Rev Blay, recalled how this journey started some nine years ago.

According to him, he started by educating and sensitizing the community about the devastation illegal mining is causing to other communities using videos and interviews which the people bought into.

“It is the education. I came back in 2015 and again in 2019. I explained to them with my research in other communities where galamey has devastated the area and I showed them videos, news and interviews. I had with people to show that the thing is not good for the people”, he said.

Asked what can be done for the chief, Father Blay, said he and the community should be appreciated. He said, it is not enough to only punish people who destroy the environment, but it is important that those who reject everything to keep it intact, are rewarded, so that they can be emulated.

“The chief in his firm stance, has rejected multiple offers, including a car, medical treatment in South Africa, as well as cash amounts running close to a million cedis. We need to also commend. As a teacher, we always use two things to impacting good character.

So punishment goes with reward so punishment has failed why don’t we try the other one? What is the government about community of Jema look at this chief who is standing firm? There was this case where the youth of Jema devoted themselves to go and dive with the police from Enji.

They came and they wanted divers and said oh Father and we said Jema people are going to dive with you they sacrificed their lives. They went and dived, not even a mineral [soft drink]. Nothing, hey risked their lives, some were even threatened, so what are we doing.

So those who are standing for values what is government doing for them? Thanking for calling for assistance for our chief. What are we doing for this chief, who has stood so firm at the risk of his life? So, there must be reward, there must be commendation”.

Though they need monetary support, the preacher, said they do not want proceeds from illegal mining.

Host, Bernard Avle, adding his voice, pleaded with the public to support the chief and the town.

“If you are watching us, please donate to that account, we endorse what they are doing at the Jema Against Galamsey Association. Send them money, let get involved, force our duty bearers to do the right thing”. Over a million cedis money rejected by the chief”, he said in conclusion.

All donations, can be sent to GCB Bank in Takoradi: 4011010094214 or to mobile money number; 0540741481.


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