Home Archive by category NEWS (Page 137)
An Economist, Dr. Adu Sarkodie thinks the Bank of Ghana’s measures at fighting inflation may be counter-productive without multisectoral support from some key governmental ministries. He argued that Ghana’s record-high inflation of 27.6%, which is primarily supply-driven, requires key Ministries – Trade, Finance and Agriculture to institute policies that will reduce public Continue Reading
First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo over the weekend attended the 26th Extraordinary General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) in Brazzaville, Congo. The meeting was on the theme “Twenty years in service of the most vulnerable of Africa” where the First Ladies deliberated on Health Financing for Sustainable Development in Africa […]Continue Reading
Attempts by some elements of staff within the ranks and file of the government-owned Cocoa Processing Company (CPC) to instigate the removal of the company’s Managing Director, Nana Agyenim Boateng, have hit rough patches after an investigative committee set up by the Minister for Food and Agriculture cleared the MD of any wrongdoing. Some agitated […]Continue Reading