Home Archive by category NEWS (Page 84)
Beginning October, 2022, directors of registered businesses across the country issuing fake invoices, receipts and also failing to file their annual tax returns could face over five years in prison. According to the Head of Domestic Tax Revenue Division at the Ghana Revenue Authority, Edward Gyambrah, the authority has already started prosecuting some businesses and […]Continue Reading
Over 2,000 aggrieved Ghanaians have registered their willingness to sue the National Communications Authority (NCA) and the Ministry of Communications. This is due to what they describe as a poorly-organised SIM card re-registration exercise, which has been fraught with anomalies and challenges. Vice President in charge of Strategy at Imani Africa, Selorm Branttie, Continue Reading
An Obuasi-based NGO, Mama Love Foundation, has appealed to government to resource graduate artisans with start-up kits after completion of their apprenticeship training. The president of the organisation, Rev Dr Love Konadu, is worried most graduate artisans find it difficult to establish a business after learning a trade. She was speaking after a feast with […]Continue Reading